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Rights Management and Licensing Overview

Heres an overview of the Full Terms and Conditions for your game project

Welcome to the Reactional Music platform (the "Platform"). Reactional Music Group AB (“Reactional”) provides the Platform for making music available to video game developers, publishers and distributors to be integrated into and aligned with gameplay actions in some of the world’s most popular video games. Please read these terms and conditions (the “Terms”) carefully. These Terms govern your access to and use of the Platform and the music that is made available on it. This is a legal agreement (the “Agreement”) between you and Reactional. By downloading, installing, accessing or using the Platform you agree to be bound by these Terms.

The Platform and the Terms may change from time-to-time. Any updated Terms shall take effect once posted, so it is important that you periodically check here for any updates. By accessing the Platform, you agree to review the Terms to become aware of such revisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are my rights and what license do I sign when I upload?

When you upload content, you will sign a contract to use the themes and tracks on the platform. This contract outlines your rights and the license terms.

Is there a difference in the agreement for themes and tracks?

No, you sign one contract to use both themes and tracks on the platform before you start. See the entire agreement above.

After purchasing a project bundle, can it be used in multiple projects?

No, you purchase the music and theme once per game. Any purchase will be licensed to the game indefinitely (the license is only valid as long as the finished product matches the description provided to Reactional Music). Track licenses are tied to a specific game and may not be transferred to other projects.

How can I share my project bundles?

You are allowed to share your bundle with your team via Git. However, ensure that the project is not made publicly accessible with the bundle files visible; it should only be included in the built games.

Are there any country restrictions for the music in bundles?

The developer's country must be set according to where your main office is located, as this determines which tracks are available for your game soundtrack (B2B). Track availability in your download store (B2C) will depend on the location of each user.

Where can I see the prices for my projects and themes?

Content pricing for game launch is transparent from day one, allowing developers to stay on budget. You can find the prices and agreements on the platform when setting up your project. You will be able to choose your preferred price plan.