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Unreal Plugin Ovewview - Setup and Features

Reactional Project Settings

Setup your project, you can configure certain settings via Project Settings.


Project Bundles

Navigate to Project Settings -> Reactional Music and select a directory in the Bundle Base Directory Tab. Set the Directory of your liking inside Content Folder, if you choose a folder at a higher level all folders inside will be treated as potential Bundel Folders. Click Reload Bundle to reload the bundle and wait until it has finished loading before pressing Play or using the widget in the scene. All available Project Bundles will now be displayed in a Dropdown List, allowing you to select which bundle to autoload by selecting the Enabled option. You can choose to enable or disable Auto Initialize Engine. If disabled, you must initialize your Bundles and Playback programmatically in a Blueprint.

Threading Mode

should be set to Dedicated Thread so that loading runs in the background without freezing the game.

Render Mode` options:

Synth Component Meta Sound Events Only (only works if a custom render function is provided)

Sound Asset:

is by default a MetaSound Asset but can be changed to a regular Audio Source if Render Mode is not set to Meta Sound.

Reactional Toolbar

The Reactional Toolbar provides quick access to key Reactional SDK interactions as well as Reactional Links, directly within the Unreal Editor. Find it via Tools -> Reactional:


Plugin Assets

To use Reactional Music assets in your project: You need to enable Show Plugin Content in Unreal Engine’s Content Browser.

Plugin Assets

Once enabled, you will have access to various Reactional Blueprints and a Reactional MetaSound Asset. Some of the key Blueprints included are:

  • BP_Reactional_ChangePartOnTrigger – Changes the ´´Part´´ in the music when triggered.
  • BP_Reactional_PlayStingerOnPickup – Plays a ´´Stinger Sound´´ when the player picks up an object.
  • BP_Reactional_PulseMaterialParamOnBeat – Syncs a ´´Material Parameter´´ to the beat for a pulsing effect.
  • BP_Reactional_PulseTaggedActorsOnBeat – Pulses actors with a specific tag in rhythm with the beat.
  • BP_Reactional_SequentialVFXOnTrigger – Triggers sequential visual effects in response to an event.
  • PB_BasicPlayback – Demonstrates how to set up playback if a bundle is not auto-loaded.

These assets provide a solid foundation for integrating Reactional Music into your project.

Plugin Assets

Editor Widget

The Editor Widget can run outside of PIE and is designed to easily test imported Bundles.

Once the widget is open, you can:

  • Start and stop Playback
  • Visit the Platform via Customize Your Music button.
  • Test all Macros, Stingers, and Parts
  • Print all Controllers to the console to retrieve string variable names for all controls in the currently loaded theme

Editor Widget

Testing Multiple Themes in the Widget

Note: If you have multiple Themes and want to test a different one, you must disable auto-load for all other themes in Project Settings and only keep the one you want to test set to auto-load.

Shortcut Button

There is also a quick-access button in the top-left corner, represented by the Reactional Logo, to open the widget.

Editor Widget