Unreal Quick Start Guide
Step 1. Download the plugin
On the Reactional Platform you will find the Unreal Plugin under Download Resources.
Sign up at the platform and Download the latest version of the Unreal Plugin here
Prior to availability on the Epic Games Marketplace you will have to manually add the plugin to the Unreal plugins folder located at <Unreal Engine install location>\Engine\Plugins\
Step 2. Enable the plugin in your project
After downloading Reactional Plugin from Unreal Marketplace head into Unreal Engine and in the top left corner click Edit -> Plugins
After opening Plugins simply type in Reactional in the searchfield. Once the plugin is found check the checkmark to enable the plugin. Unreal will now require you to restart so save your project or simply restart by clicking on the restart popup.
Step 3. Create AssetBundle
After Unreal is loaded back up it's time to set up Reactional. We start off with creating a folder where the project files from the platform can live (Theme and Songs). And we also create a Data Asset for our files to setup later. In this sample project the folder is called Reactional_UnrealTheme but you can name this whatever you prefer. Same goes for the Data Asset, here named ReactionalBundleDataAsset.
The Data Asset if you haven't created one before is really simple. Right click somewhere in your Content folder. And then pick Miscellaneous -> DataAsset. Thats it! Name it however you like. The asset will want to know what type of asset we are trying to create so search for Reactional and slot a Reactional Data Bundle Asset
Step 4. Add Reactional project bundle
And now while we're at it, let's move our previously downloaded project from the platform (Theme and Song files) into Unreal. Open up explorer (or the filebrowser of your choice) and find your project files. The folder called Reactional_UnrealTheme is the bundle folder downloaded from the platform and then unzipped. And then put the whole folder in your Unreal Project -> Content -> ReactionalBundles (or folder of your choice within the project) and we're almost done.
Step 5. Link bundle to DataAsset
If we now go back into Unreal and open up our ReactionalBundleDataAsset we can click the Set Manifest Path and add our Reactional_UnrealTheme folder to slot the manifest.json file and then the project files will be all set up and ready to use in your Unreal project.
Step 6. Find plugin in content browser
To see be able to see plugin files in the Content Browser head over to settings in it's top right corner, here you will need to select Show Engine Content as well as Show Plugin Content.
Now we should see something like this:
And here in the Plugins folder select the BP_Reactional Instance
Step 7. Add ReactionalInstance to the scene
Add this Actor to your scene via drag drop it into the Outliner.
And the last step is simply to put your Bundle Asset into "Auto Load Bundle" in the BP_ReactionalInstance actor you added to the scene.
And now, finally it's time to make some games. Thanks for using reactional. Have fun!